Atlanta Legacy Homes, Inc. Forms Required Before Payment is Made
Document to be received before payment
#1) Certificate of Insurance: We require a certificate of insurance to list Atlanta Legacy Homes, Inc. (ALH) as the holder and additional insured. The certificate needs to have worker’s compensation and general liability coverage of $1,000,000 per occurrence. THIS CERTIFICATE MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE ANY WORK IS STARTED.
#2) Workers Compensation Election Certificate: This document needs to be filled out, signed and faxed back to ALH before payment is processed. If you are not incorporated please use your social security number and name. This document needs to be faxed back to ALH before payment is processed AND MAILED TO: STATE BOARD OF WORKERS COMPENSATION AT 270 PEACHTREE STREET, NW, ATLANTA, GA 30303-1299 .
#3) W9 Form: Fill this out online, right here by clicking the underlined section to the left. Must be done before payment is processed.
#4) Subcontractor Agreement: Fill out online and sign, download a copy for yourself. We’ll get a copy in the email.
#5) Lien Waivers: Partial or final lien waivers required to accompany every invoice.
NOTE: No payments will be processed without all the above paperwork filled out as requested. All draws and final payments will be paid as follows: Atlanta Legacy Homes pays invoices every Friday considering all forms #1 – #4 have been submitted and percentage of work completed is in conjunction with amount of invoice submitted.